Workload Infrastructure Balancing Analytics
IO Workload Infrastructure Balancing analytics help you make decisions to balance your workload across the end-to-end infrastructure.

VM Coordinator improves VM cluster performance by making recommendations to move VM resources in order to better balance the hosts. VM Coordinator provides optimal placement for VMs across a cluster using historical trends. VM Coordinator generates a vMotion script that can be downloaded and run to move the identified VMs.

Storage Port Balancer identifies overloaded storage ports and makes HBA/Host move suggestions that would rebalance the front-end ports of a Fibre Channel storage array.

Workload Right Sizer analyzes virtual CPU and memory and recommends tuning adjustments that can be executed using a script or via change control

Queue Solver provides guidance in optimizing the settings for HBA queue depth. Queue Solver provides a visualization of the response time of that server as evidence for the recommendation.

Migration Analysisanalyzes and exports data to enable application dependency, suggest ideal resource move groups, and provides insights for right sizing and optimizing cloud resources and costs, as part of a digital transformation migration project.

Workload Analysis creates a workload simulation file that provides realistic workload simulations that can be replayed using WorkloadWisdom to assess and resolve issues or test new storage configurations.