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Working with Multiple Policies


Role required: Administrator. When you create policies, you must establish the order in which the policies will be applied.

You can create policies from Settings > Policies or from the Cost Savings Opportunities page. However, you can determine the order of policies only from the Settings > Policies page. The hierarchy you establish determines the order in which policies are implemented.

For example, assume you create one policy with a scope of analysis that impacts all AWS data sources. You set the Tag filter to include the Dev environment and Test environment. You retain the default policy constraints for this policy. You then create a second policy with the same scope, but modify the constraints. You can set the policy with the modified constraints to be implemented first. However, if that policy cannot be implemented because some constraint does not apply, then the policy with default settings would be used.

The Default policy provided when an organization is set up in Cloud Cost Management (CCM) will always be the last policy in the list. Any policies created directly in CCM are implemented before the Default policy, if possible. If no other policies apply, then the Default policy is executed.

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