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Visual Elements in the Apps Map

This topic describes the type of elements, graphical representation of elements, and button panel for different graph views that can be configured in Apps Map.

Graph Visual Elements

The Apps Map is a graph consisting of vertices and edges. A vertex is connected to another vertex by one or more edges and the following two elements represent.

  • Examples of a Vertex

    • Container, Pod, Service, Cloud Application, and a VM Process

  • Edge

    • Network interactions

Graph Button Panel

The table below consists of the options that the user can use to change the view and look for detailed information:




Linear layout: The graph is redrawn with left to right layout using the interactions links between vertices.


Complex layout: The applications are arranged in a uniform circular environment by enabling this view.


Structural layout: Enables quickly viewing applications' structures and identifying their shapes by spotting them quickly.


Flowpath: Represents path tracing which enables users to trace the path of dependent microservices and their traffic flow between them. You can select this view and provide the two different paths by selecting two different applications in Apps Map. It represents the traffic flow network in which the number of Microservices is connected via chosen path.


Metric view: Click the metric symbol to view the metrics of the Microservices involved in a chosen path between the services. This view is enabled when you set the application Tracepath.


Drill-down mode: This view enables the high-level view of the services linked from frontend services to other application services excluding the Pods and containers on the map.


Kubernetes Object Filter (Kube-system-namespace) This button is used to turn on or off the visibility of the Kube System Namespace objects. w.


Entity names: This is a toggle button that expands the full entity names of the elements in the Apps Map.


Group by: This allows the user to specify the grouping of the elements using metadata. For example, ns:* will change the graph by grouping the vertices by NameSpace.

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