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Viewing traffic flow for each service

You can have a view of the list of the Pod or node services and the number of incoming and outgoing traffic connections to the services for the selected timeframe.

To view traffic flow, follow the steps:

  1. Log into the Container Observability Application.

  2. On the sidebar menu, click Services.

  3. On the top bar, you can choose an entity with a namespace. A list of services is displayed.

The service page represents the following details:

  • Network flow in L4 and L7 layer metrics.

    • L4: Service Metrics

    • L7: URL metrics

  • The list of services represents the traffic (L4 network level data) incoming and outgoing bytes and packets with latency, request count, and error count.

  • Amount of Packets (network traffic flow) inbound and outbound with bytes.

    • The Upward arrow indicates the traffic request count incoming from a particular service to the other services.

    • The down arrow indicates the traffic request outgoing from one service to the other services.

    • In entities represent the available Pods in service where the traffic flows via services to their dependent services like Pods and Out entities represent the unavailable Pods in each service.

  • In Service performance, you can also view URL metrics (L7 level data) in terms of traffic requests made through HTTP protocols between services. Also, you can view the request HTTP URLs between the services.

  • Click “>” to expand the following request URLs to a particular service:

  • Represents several request counts made to the service in terms of URL with latency.

  • Click a URL to view the metrics in widgets:

  • Widget represents the metric of URL, when hovered on the graph, it represents the request count made to the service at each time interval.

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