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Viewing Performance Snapshot of Applications in Apps Map

From Apps Map, you can view a performance snapshot of any entity. The Performance Snapshot page enables viewing the performance in terms of transmitted and received network flow at each interface of the Pods and their containers.

To view performance details of any services, see QuickView: A integrated view of all Entity information.

  1. In Apps Map, click a Pod service. The Performance Snapshot page will display the Pod network metrics and the health of Pod resource usage.

  2. Click on the Pod network to view the network receive (Network_receive_bytes) / transmit data (Network_transmit_bytes) in bytes at each time interval.

  3. Hovering on the metric graph lists the amount of network transmitted/received in bytes and packets of Pods and their container at each time interval.



  • Similarly, you can view the performance snapshot for containers to monitor the resource usage and performance in terms of request, response, and error count.

  • Under Performance Snapshot, you can also view Metrics, Logs, Events, Connections, and Three-Layer. For more details, see the following:

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