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Viewing Alerts

Container Observability automatically detects and creates alerts for anomalies and triggers alert notifications to the user-specified notification channels to monitor the application behavior. This topic helps you to view the type of alerts, alert panels, and configure alerts for services.

Alerts are triggered in Container Observability based on the following:

  • Rule-based alerts are where the rules are predefined by the systems or custom rules specified by the user. Rule-based alerts typically appear in availability, saturation, and error scenarios. This category includes alerts generated from the following:

o Metrics

o Logs

o Traces

o Kubernetes events

o Cloud events

o SLOs (Manual and Auto learned)

  • Machine Learning (ML) alerts where the system learns the normal behavior of a microservice, or container, and detects if deviations occur from normal expected behavior. ML-based alerts typically appear during the normal execution of the element. Detecting abnormal behavior during execution provides an early warning of impending problems, as well as indicating the cause of underlying problems.


From the Alerts screen, you can obtain:

  • The list of alerts triggered based on predefined and custom-defined alert rules for Metrics, Logs, Events, SLOs, and so on.

  • Container Observability inspects the behavior of services as per the rule conditions and then triggers an alert if the conditions are violated.

  • Track created and updated times of alert occurrence and stages of anomaly (such as if RCA has been run or if the anomaly is still ongoing or resolved at a particular time).

  • Helps you study the alert in-depth with RCA analysis to determine the exact cause of the anomaly to prevent it from complete failure.



By default, anomaly notifications are viewed in Alerts. You can also configure the required Alert channels to receive notifications where Container Observability supports integration tools like emails, slack, PagerDuty, and so on. For more information, see Configure Alert Notifications.

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