View Bill Analysis Reports

You can create, edit, or email reports that contain Bill Analysis data. Cloud Cost Management (CCM) includes Default reports that you cannot modify or delete. However, you can make changes to the Settings for a Default report and save the changes with a new name. Viewing reports requires only a read-only role.
You can also use policies to add constraints to the reports. Creating policies requires an administrator role.
About This Task
To complete this task, you must select a report filter and then edit and save the report settings.
You should be familiar with the use of tags and attributes in CCM before creating or editing reports. See Filtering in Virtana Platform and Filtering and Grouping Options for more information.
Virtana Platform reports display currency only in US dollars (USD}. To accurately reflect costs, ensure your data sources have the currency display set to US dollars in the AWS or Azure portal. For Azure, see Set the Currency Option in Azure to USD.
In the CCM module, navigate to Bill Analysis.
Select a report Filter that is associated with the data source you want.
Select the Data Source.
Select the report Settings to modify and click
to edit the report.
Under Report Format, select the following:
Select Period Comparison or Stacked View format.
Period Comparison displays a side-by-side color-coded breakdown of spend for a single user-selected category.
Stacked View displays a color-coded stacked breakdown of spend based on two categories that you select.
Select from the Group Data By options.
If you select Stacked View for the format, two fields display, "Group Data by" and "then by".
Select Sort Data By options.
Limit the number of groups in the chart with a range from Top 5 to Top 1000 or Show All.
Under Additional Data Filtering, select any services you want to include in the output.
You can select multiple services.
Under Options, select a Utilization Metric and Metric Statistic.
Select any desired Matching Conditions.
Apply the configuration to view the report.
Click the time range selector to view data for different time periods.
For AWS data sources, the Latest 12 Months and Year to date time range options are disabled, as they would not provide usable data.
Other actions you can perform from this page:
Hover over any bar in the chart for a line-item breakdown.
Hover over or click any parameter (for example, time range) in the legend below the chart to include or exclude the data associated with that parameter.
To undo changes to Settings, click
This icon only displays when there are unsaved changes to Settings. After the changes are saved, you cannot revert the changes.
Save the report settings.
You can select the option to update the current report or save it with a new name. You cannot undo changes to settings after changes are saved.
Give reports unique descriptive names so you can easily distinguish them as you add more reports. Establishing a naming convention can be helpful.
Email a report or schedule a report for email by clicking
in the upper right of the page.
Sometimes the settings for a report do not apply to any resources in your environment. When that happens, the report will be empty, displaying no results. If the report is set up for email, a report might not be sent.
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