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Using the Copilot

How to Ask Questions

To interact with Copilot, simply type your question or request in the chat window. You can ask about features, configuration steps, or any other topic related to the platform. Copilot will do its best to provide accurate and helpful information.

Example Queries

  1. "Explain the Time Travel feature."

  2. "How do I change my notification settings?"


For every response from the Copilot, you can indicate how well it answers your question using the Thumbs Up / Thumbs Down icons. When submitting feedback, you may optionally provide additional comments to help us understand how to improve or what we got right. Feedback will be tracked and reviewed to help improve the Virtana Copilot experience.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter any issues while using Copilot, consider the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Try rephrasing your question with more context to help find the relevant information.

  2. As Copilot is in beta, some answers may not be fully accurate. Cross-check with official documentation or contact support for confirmation.

  3. Remember that Copilot currently focuses on providing documentation-related responses and may not handle complex interactive tasks.