Using Production Storage Environments
Production Storage Environments (PSE) describe the infrastructure where production workload data comes from. This enables all data from the same source to be easily accessed.
Adding/Editing a Production Storage Environment
Click New Production Storage Environment to add new Production Storage Environments. You can edit existing PSEs by clicking the edit button next to the PSE that you want to edit.
The following information about the PSE can be added or modified.
Name. Name of the PSE. It is recommended that the name follows a convention that allows for the identification of network segments being monitored.
Description. Short description of the PSE. It is recommended that you use this to describe the environment that you are monitoring. The description might be an application or a portion of the storage environment such as a single storage array.
Tag List. Tags make it easy to search for a specific PSE if you have a large deployment. Examples of good tags include network segments, applications, or arrays that being monitored.
Viewing Workload Production Storage Environment
When you click a Production Storage Environment (PSE) you can see and manage all of the production workload data acquired for the PSE.