Using a CSV File for Configuration
When configuring an integration for discovery, you can import the configuration in a plain text file rather than adding the discovery instance from the UI. Using a configuration file is particularly helpful if you need to configure multiple devices to add to a integration instance.
The configuration file must meet the following requirements:
Only a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file is supported.
Terms must be comma separated with no spaces.
Do not include a header in the file.
The fields in the CSV file must appear in the same order as the fields in the Add>Devices window.
The required format is listed in the Import dialog for each integration.
Example 1, if there is a port field and you are using credential sets: Hostname/IP,PortNumber,CredSet1,,,,
Example 2, if there is a port field and you are not using credential sets: Hostname/IP,PortNumber,,Username,Password
Example 3, if there is not a port field and you are not using credential sets: Hostname/IP,,Username,Password
You can import a CSV file from the integration's configuration page. Navigation path: Settings>Integrations>View (for the chosen integration), then click the integration instance name in the table.
You have three options:
Replace: The contents of the table are replaced with the contents of the CSV file. Records are added, removed, and updated, as required.
If you select Replace, the entire contents currently in the table are deleted and replaced. This deletion cannot be undone.
Merge: Existing records are updated. Blank fields in the CSV file are ignored. New file records are added.
Add: Existing records are untouched. New records from the file are added.
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