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Trend Matcher

Trend Matcher accepts a source trend identified by the user or by Event Advisor and a target metric. Trend Matcher uses intelligent trend matching to compare a base trend with other entities and metrics, for the timeframe specified, and provides a topology view showing the connected entities and trends that correlate with the base trend.

This helps you identify the source of a recognized issue. For example, if there is time spent at zero Buffer-to-Buffer Credits, the Trend Matcher could find an HBA that gets busy when the buffer credit problem starts and finishes its work when the buffer credit issue goes away.

Running Trend Matcher

  1. Trend Matcher accepts a base trend identified by the user or by the Event Advisor and a target metric. Trend Matcher uses intelligent trend matching to compare a base trend with other entities and metrics, for the time frame specified, and provides a topology view showing the connected entities and trends that correlate with the base trend.

  2. The analysis mode offers a choice between Quick Mode and Robust Mode. Quick Mode lets you perform a quick search to find large correlations while Robust Mode provides a more comprehensive search but is slower.

  3. There are multiple options for conducting the trend matching exercise. These options allow you to search for matches using a suggested or targeted situation, to limit the search to only connected entities, or search for matches across all entities.


Understanding Trend Matcher Results

  1. The Trend Matcher results are divided into two sections: A Topology tab showing you where entities and metrics correlated with the base trend, and a list of correlations found that match the base trend.

  2. The solid blue circles indicate where there were matches. The circles around the solid circle indicate the degree of correlation: the more blue circles displayed around an entity, the higher the correlation. Entities displaying three dots at their center indicate a correlation at the sub-entity level – drill down to view more details.

  3. To the right of the topology map is a list of all matching entities and events, ordered by percent correlation. The list displays both positive and negative correlations.

  4. Expand the correlated entity and metric to see how it compares with the base trend. The correlated entity is highlighted on the topology map to the left.

    This gives you valuable information for analyzing the issue. For example, a flow control issue may be related to increased workload on an HBA port. Once the workload decreases, the buffer credit issue on the storage port also resolves.


You can also run Trend Matcher as a standalone analytic. You'll need to select a base trend to use for the analysis.