Top N Charts
The Top N charts aggregate data from the top or bottom “n” events of configured metrics, where “n” is a variable that ranges in value from 1 to 50. Each Top N chart compares data for a specific metric and single entity group (hierarchy) and displays this data over time using different formats.
The Top N charts include five chart types.
Bar Chart
The Bar Chart is used to quickly compare the averaged or summed value of a single metric across multiple entities. It makes it easy to visualize how the average or sum for the entity compares to other metrics.

Table Chart
The Table chart displays the actual values of a metric in different categories (sum, min, max, percentiles) across multiple entities. We can view how the values compare for each category.

Trend Chart
The trend chart is basically a bar chart displayed over time. It compares data for a specific metric for a single entity group (hierarchy) but it also displays this data over a period of time.

List Card
The List (Card) chart type displays Top N data in a card format.

Box Plot Chart
The Box Plot chart is used to compare the distribution of the metric data for each entity. Using a box chart helps us understand the variation of the data across entities.

The top and bottom horizontal bars represent the lowest and highest value measured for the entity. The bottom edge of the box represents the lower quartile (25%) and the upper edge of the box represents the upper quartile (75%). The horizontal line in the box represents the median (50%) value.
The spacing between the different parts of the box indicate the degree of dispersal or spread.
Toggling Between Top N Charts
You can toggle between bar, box plot, table, and trend charts by selecting an icon on the top right of the chart.

You can also use the chart menu to toggle between Top N charts.