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Subscribe to OS Instances

The Subscribe to OS Instances tab adds or imports OS Instances and then subscribes to or unsubscribes from them for application discovery and/or OS monitoring. Either an IP address or a hostname is required. If a conflict is found, the IP address takes precedence.

  1. Click Add to add a host.

    The New OS Instance dialog box displays.


    There are two variations of the New OS Instance dialog box, depending on whether you are adding a Linux or Windows OS instance.

  2. Click Import to import hosts from a CSV file of a specified format.

  3. You can click Save on the main OS Instances page at any time to save the current status of the operation.

  4. Click Test Connection to verify that the specified credentials can be used to connect to the host.

  5. Select individual, multiple, or all hosts, and click Subscribe/Unsubscribe.

    The Import OS Instances dialog box displays.


    A discovery audit file contains details of the import.

    The App Discovery and OS Monitoring columns show the subscription status of the host entry for those services.

    You can click on the triangle on the right edge of the column to change the subscription status. If the entry has Subscribed selected for App Discovery, it is included for App Discovery. If the entry has Subscribed selected for OS Monitoring, IPM discovers resources within that OS and collect metrics for it.

    To change the subscription status for one or more entries at the same time, select individual, multiple, or all hosts, and click Edit Subscription. A pop up window displays and from there, you can set the App Discovery and OS Monitoring subscription states.

  6. Click Save to save the configuration.

    Discovery occurs at the schedule that you have set up in the Configuration tab. If you want discovery to occur now, click Start Discovery.


    OS monitoring metrics collection being for an OS instance only after it has been successfully discovered.

    The Status column indicates the discovery status and metrics collection of the OS instance. The Last Metrics Collection column indicates when the last metrics collection was attempted for that OS Instance.

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