Storage Life Cycle
You can use WorkloadWisdom to obtain storage performance analytics across the storage life cycle:
Storage Configuration Optimization. Determine what is the optimal storage price/performance configuration by varying dozens of settings like load, block/file size, compression/de-duplication, tiering, queue depths, and caching.
Problem resolution. Analyze production workloads performance for transient issues or other systemic issues, and quickly reproduce the workload behaviors in the lab for faster resolution.
Change Validation. Verify and load test final storage configurations in a pre-production environment and observer performance in production.
Change Management Validation. Validate the effect on scalability, latency, throughput, and IOPS of application upgrades and firmware updates on storage infrastructure before cutting over to production.
Technology Evaluation. Determine which storage architecture, technology or protocol offers the highest performance or is the most cost-effective when running workloads that reflect your specific applications.
Storage Product Evaluation. Determine which vendor and storage system offers the highest performance or is the most cost-effective when running workloads that reflect your specific applications.