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Storage Life Cycle


You can use WorkloadWisdom to obtain storage performance analytics across the storage life cycle:

  • Storage Configuration Optimization. Determine what is the optimal storage price/performance configuration by varying dozens of settings like load, block/file size, compression/de-duplication, tiering, queue depths, and caching.

  • Problem resolution. Analyze production workloads performance for transient issues or other systemic issues, and quickly reproduce the workload behaviors in the lab for faster resolution.

  • Change Validation. Verify and load test final storage configurations in a pre-production environment and observer performance in production.

  • Change Management Validation. Validate the effect on scalability, latency, throughput, and IOPS of application upgrades and firmware updates on storage infrastructure before cutting over to production.

  • Technology Evaluation. Determine which storage architecture, technology or protocol offers the highest performance or is the most cost-effective when running workloads that reflect your specific applications.

  • Storage Product Evaluation. Determine which vendor and storage system offers the highest performance or is the most cost-effective when running workloads that reflect your specific applications.