Sharing a Report Template
You can export and import report templates from/to IO. This feature is used to import the standard Services reports into your IO platform. It can also be used to share report templates amongst separate instances of IO. Reports are imported using the JSON file type for individual templates or a ZIP file containing multiple report templates. Reports are exported as a ZIP file.
Exporting a Report
Click on More, then select Export > File for Import to export a report using JSON format.

The file is downloaded to your local drive.

Bulk Report Export
From the Reports Templates page, select the reports you wish to export.
Click on the Export/Import button and then select Export Report(s). A .zip file containing the selected report templates will be downloaded to your computer.
Importing a Report
From the Reports home page, click on the More button, and then select Import Report. You may also perform this action from the Report Templates page using the Export/Import button.
Select the report
file to be uploaded.Note that the file extension must be lowercase, e.g., .json (not .JSON).
The report is opened and displayed in IO. The report is automatically saved on import and will be visible in the list of saved reports on the Reports home page.
You may need to set the variable before data is displayed.
Bulk Report Import
You can import multiple report templates by combining their .json files into a .zip file and uploading the .zip file using the Import Report
Follow these tips to ensure a successful import:
All .json files in the .zip file must be valid IO report files
The .zip file size should be less than 5 MB
Do not import .json files which are not reports, or import empty .zip files
All .json files contained in the .zip file are validated prior to import. Any .json files failing validation will cause the import to fail with an error message containing the .json file name and the error encountered.

If multiple report template files fail validation, the number of files failing validation is shown, and the error encountered is shown for the first file that failed validation.

Importing the same .zip file more than once will result in duplicate reports being created in IO.