Select a Workload
Click the drop-down menu to select a workload from the list of available workloads that can be used in the Iteration Suite. Two types of workloads are supported by the Iteration Suite: WorkloadWisdom protocol workload models and TDE Workloads.

If you select a WorkloadWisdom protocol workload model (for example, FC Workload), all parameters supported by the selected protocol workload model are available to be used as an Iteration Parameter.

If you select an TDE Workload, all parameters defined in the TDE Workload’s User Parameters (UP) file are available to be used as an Iteration Parameter. However, the TDE Workload’s UP file must contain one (1) row only.

In the Iteration Parameters dropdown, you will see a list of entries that begins with UserParameters: X-Y where X is the column index in the User Parameter file, and Y is the custom name you (or the creator of the TDE Workload) provided for each column.