Scheduled Jobs List
Click on the Scheduled Jobs link from either the homepage or the hamburger menu button from the top right corner of the screen to see a list of Scheduled Jobs.
A Scheduled Job can be in one of the following states:
Scheduled: This Job is not currently running, but is scheduled to run at a future time
Started: This Job is currently running
Archived: This Job has been completed and is no longer scheduled to run at a future time
A valid Scheduled Job is always scheduled the moment it is created. Once it is started, you can manually stop it by clicking the Stop button. Once a Scheduled Job has finished running or has been stopped by the user, then it will go to the Archived state. If the Scheduled Job has future recurring runs, then a new instance of the same Scheduled Job will be created and scheduled. You can also manually choose to discontinue all future runs of a Scheduled Job by clicking the Archive button, forcing it to go to the Archived state.
To see a list of archived Jobs, click on the button. A list of archived Jobs will appear. You cannot move a Job out of the Archived state.
However, you can click on the button to clone the archived Job, which makes a copy of the Job and opens up the edit page for you to create a new Job out of the archived Job.
If some issues are detected for a Scheduled Job that prevents it from running as expected, an icon appears next to it.
This Scheduled Job doesn’t have a valid configuration, such as missing Run on time, missing resource for a Task, or missing Test Bed.
This Scheduled Job currently overlaps with another Scheduled Job’s scheduled start time.
When a Job is in the Started state, the Tasks will run in sequence. If a Task cannot run due to resource availability reasons, for example if its Test Bed is currently in use, then it will automatically enter a queue in the system and wait for the resource to become available. Multiple Tasks from multiple Scheduled Jobs can be in the queue, and the queued Tasks will run on a first come first serve basis for the same resource. For example, if Task A waiting on Test Bed 1 enters the queue before Task B waiting on Test Bed 2 enters the queue, but Test Bed 2 frees up first, then Task B will run before Task A.