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Right Sizing Policy Parameters

These policy settings impact the output of your Right Sizing Recommendations reports. As you define the report criteria, you can preview report updates on the Affected Entities Preview based on the constraints you select.

You can modify the Default policy parameters to visualize "what if" scenarios. For example, you can compare the results of increasing or decreasing the recommendation aggressiveness, or restricting memory so it cannot decrease versus making recommendations based on historical utilization, etc.

If parameter values are set that cannot be met by some entities, those entities display in the Recommendations table with gray highlighting. This indicates that no active recommendations are possible for the highlighted entities.

An example of a constraint that would result in no active recommendations is if you set minimum memory to 50 GB, but the required instance type is set to T3a.small, which does not have 50GB of memory.

Some additional constraints, that cannot be modified, are implemented by default on all right-sizing calculations. For example, right-sizing recommendations assume that the region configured by the user should not change, so recommendations will be kept within the existing assigned regions. Neither does right-sizing address preinstalled licensing, such as a pay-as-you-go Windows license, so license considerations are not included in recommendations.


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