Operators Used in Search Filters
Workload Placement provides a Boolean-based search option on the Inventory page. Operators used in the search filters include the following:
AND: Results must include all the search terms entered. Narrows search.
Example: network AND administrator - Must include both terms.
OR: Broadens your search by presenting results for multiple terms.
Example: administrator OR manager - Can include one term or the other.
Contains: Results must contain the term entered.
Example: Contains=app - Shows results for "app" and "application".
Not contains: Use to exclude a specific term.
Example: Contains=app, Not contains=application - Displays only application names that include the term "app", but not "application".
Equals: Displays exactly what is entered in the text box.
Example: Equals=ubuntu - Displays only an exact match; would not display ubuntutest:vm as a result.
Not equal: Excludes any items that contain the exact term entered.
Example: Not equal= - In the IPs column, this example wouild exclude all items using that IP address.
Starts with: Only displays results that start with the exact text entered.
Example: Starts with=203 - In the IPs column, would only show IPs that start with 203.
Ends with: Only displays results that end with the exact text entered.
Example: Ends with=-Dev - In the Compute Instance column, would only display results with -Dev at the end.
Blank: Filters by rows that contain no data or are considered blank.
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