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The On-Premises VM Capacity section provides insights into the resource usage and availability of your on-premises virtual machines. Here, you can monitor Cluster, hosts and Virtual machines to ensure that your VMs are operating efficiently.

Accessing On-Premises VM Capacity

  1. Open your web browser and navigate to the Virtana login page.

  2. Click on the Global View option.

  3. In the Global View, find and click on the Dashboard tab.

  4. In the dashboard, look for the On-Premises Capacity Summary section.


Dashboard: Compute Infrastructure

  • Clusters: View and manage the different clusters in your environment.

  • Hosts: Displays the total number of hosts in your infrastructure.

  • IMs: Shows the total number of IMs in your infrastructure.

Compute Utilization Summary

The Compute Utilization Summary section provides a high-level overview of the current resource utilization in your environment. This includes both CPU and memory usage across all monitored hosts and virtual machines.

  • Current CPU Utilization: Displays the current percentage of CPU resources being used across all clusters and hosts.

  • Current Memory Utilization: Shows the current percentage of memory being used.

Compute Utilization Trend

The Compute Utilization Trend section provides a more detailed and dynamic view of resource usage trends over time.

  • % Utilization Range: The percentage scale ranges from 0% to 150%, providing a clear view of resource usage beyond typical capacity.

  • Host Count: Displays the number of hosts being monitored and their respective utilization statuses.

  • CPU Utilization Trend: A trend graph showing CPU usage over a selected time period, helping to identify peak usage times and potential bottlenecks.

  • Memory Utilization Trend: A trend graph illustrating memory usage patterns, useful for understanding memory demand and planning for upgrades or optimizations.

Compute Utilization Summary Side Panel

The Compute Utilization Summary Side Panel provides a comprehensive set of filter options and displays summarized data to help you analyze and manage your virtual infrastructure more effectively. Here’s a detailed look at its features and functionalities:


The side panel allows you to refine the displayed data using various filter options:

  • Site Filter: Choose specific sites to focus on data relevant to a particular location or data center.

  • Vendor Filter: Select from different hardware or software vendors to analyze performance and utilization specific to the vendor’s infrastructure.

The side panel includes a monthly summary view, allowing you to:

  • Select Month: Use the month filter to choose the specific month you wish to analyze. This helps in understanding historical trends and comparing month-over-month performance.

  • CPU Utilization Summary: View a graphical representation of CPU utilization for the selected month. This graph provides insights into the percentage of CPU usage over time.

  • Utilization % vs. CPU and Memory Utilization: A comparative graph showing CPU and memory utilization percentages side-by-side, helping you to quickly identify imbalances or potential bottlenecks.

Cluster Utilization Filters

  • Most Utilized to Least Utilized: Sort clusters from the most utilized to the least utilized based on memory or CPU usage. This filter helps in identifying heavily loaded clusters that might need additional resources or optimization.

  • Memory Utilization: Filter clusters based on their memory usage. This can help in pinpointing clusters that are consuming excessive memory resources.

  • CPU Utilization: Similarly, filter clusters by their CPU utilization to identify those that are under heavy computational load.

How to Use the Compute Utilization Summary Side Panel

  • Apply Filters: Select the desired site and vendor to refine the data displayed.

  • Choose Month: Use the month filter to select the month you want to analyze.

  • View Graphs: Analyze the CPU utilization summary and the utilization % vs. CPU and memory utilization graphs to get an overview of resource usage.

  • Sort Clusters: Use the filters to sort clusters by their memory or CPU utilization, identifying areas that may need optimization or additional resources.

  • Examine Detailed Data: Review the detailed data on host and IM counts, CPU cores, CPU utilization, available and used memory, and memory utilization to get a comprehensive view of your infrastructure's performance.

Detailed Data View

Based on the applied filters, you can view detailed data on various aspects of your infrastructure, including:

  • Host Count: The number of hosts within the selected scope.

  • VM Count: The number of VMs corresponding to the applied filters.

  • Type: Information on the type of hosts and VMs

  • CPU Cores: The number of CPU cores available and their current utilization.

  • Available Memory: The total memory available within the selected scope.

  • Used Memory: The amount of memory currently being utilized.

  • CPU Utilization: The percentage of CPU resources currently in use.

  • Memory Utilization: The percentage of memory in use.

Compute Utilization Trend Side Panel

The Compute Utilization Trend side panel offers a comprehensive view of the utilization trends over different time periods, allowing for detailed analysis and planning.

  • Filter Options:

    • Site: Apply filters to view data specific to a site.

    • Vendor: Apply filters to view data specific to a vendor.

  • Utilization Trend View: You can view the utilization trends for the last 3, 6, 9, or 12 months.

  • The trend is displayed as a graph, showing the utilization percentage versus memory, host count, and CPU utilization.

  • Detailed Data Based on Applied Filters:

    • Month Cluster: Shows the cluster of data for each selected month.

    • CPU Count: Total number of CPUs available.

    • CPU Core: Number of CPU cores.

    • CPU Utilization: Percentage of CPU resources utilized.

    • Available Memory: Total memory available.

    • Used Memory: Amount of memory currently being utilized.

    • Memory Utilization: Percentage of memory in use.


Optimization Insights

The Optimization Insights section provides a snapshot of how your compute resources are being utilized, focusing on identifying underutilized assets.

  • Underutilized Hosts By CPU: Displays hosts that are currently underutilized in terms of CPU usage, helping you identify potential areas for optimization.

  • Underutilized Hosts By Memory: Shows hosts with low memory utilization, allowing you to pinpoint opportunities to consolidate workloads or reallocate resources.

  • Show More: Clicking "Show More" expands the view to include detailed Compute Utilization data, giving you a comprehensive look at how resources are being consumed across your infrastructure.

Host Utilization

The Host Utilization section provides an overview of the top-performing hosts based on CPU and memory utilization.

  • Top Hosts by CPU Utilization: Displays the hosts with the highest CPU usage, showing details such as the host name, CPU utilization percentage, and utilization trend over time.

  • Top Hosts by Memory Utilization: Highlights the hosts with the highest memory usage, including details on memory utilization percentage and trend data.

  • Show More: Clicking "Show More" expands the view to reveal additional Compute Utilization details, offering a deeper dive into the resource consumption patterns of your hosts.