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Manually creating an Export Job

The following steps should be followed to create an Export Job manually.

  1. Go to Microsoft Azure portal

  2. Go to the Search Bar and type cost export to redirect to Cost Exports

  3. After going to Cost Exports, we will see list of already configured jobs. Click on Add to start the configuration

  4. Configure the Export Details section. Name can be any unique identifier

  5. Configure the Storage section

    1. Click on Create new radio button and select the Subscription


      The selected subscription should be the same as the one in the cloud integration.

    2. An existing Resource Group can be selected or a new one can be created by selecting the Create New option below the Resource Group field and providing a name. Click OK to Continue

    3. Enter the details for Account name, Location, Container and Directory.

    4. Click Create and the interface will be redirected to the list of configured Exports.

  6. Run the created Export Job to ensure that Cost and usage report is available for consumption when the integration is saved.

Now that the Export Job has been manually created, the user roles need to be setup to enable data collection. Refer to Assigning Role for collecting Cost data from the Export Job. for more details.

Once all of the above steps are done, use the created Export Job name and region in the Cost and Usage Report configuration screen as mentioned in Create a Cost and Usage Report in Azure