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Example of Isilon Advanced Report

In the following example, assume you have two IP addresses performing SMB2 operations to two different nodes as follows:

Node 1

Node 2

Total IP

IP Address 1




IP Address 2




Total Node



Given this data, a typical report of Top N Nodes would return Node 2 followed by Node 1, since Node 2 has a total of 23 IOPS and Node 1 has a total of 7 IOPS. This is useful if you are looking for the busiest nodes. However, if you are investigating client performance issues you might want to investigate the performance of the nodes which a given IP address used the most. In that case, you might instead want to look at how many operations were sent to each node by the specific IP address. If filtering for IP Address 2, Node 1 would be the top node and Node 2 the second, since IP Address 2 sent more operations to Node 1 than to Node 2.

In IO, you would achieve this by creating a Top N report, with data filtered to the specified IP address. This means you are modifying the aggregations on those entities to only aggregate the portions relevant to your IP address. This is done by using advanced filtering to change the way you calculate the data of the chart. For the specific example above you would create a report by following these steps:

  1. Add a Top N chart to a report.

  2. Select the entity type for reporting.

    Example: Storage > NAS > Dell EMC Isilon > Isilon Node.

  3. Select a conversation metric.

    Example: Storage > NAS > Isilon > Protocol > SMB2 > Conversations > SMB2 Conversation Total IOPS

  4. Add a filter to “Filter Entities for Metric Calculation (Advanced)”.

  5. Select the IP Address that you want to filter to.


Completing the preceding tasks results in a report showing the Top N Isilon Nodes that the given IP(s) communicated with during the report window. You can follow a similar procedure for defining reports to see the top nodes for Isilon users, the top IP address for an Isilon node, etc.