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IPM includes multiple software integrations for discovering infrastructure entities and collecting data from infrastructure and APM and CMDB sources.

Software Integrations for Network, Compute, and Storage Infrastructure Monitoring


Additional integrations might be made available between releases of IPM. Documentation and update bundles for additional integrations is available on Egnyte, Virtana's official software distribution tool. Access requires that you log into the tool.

  1. To view the integrations installed on your IPM portal, navigate to the Settings page then select Integrations from the Probes and Integrations section.

  2. A page showing all available integrations is displayed. A number indicates that the integration has been installed in your portal.


    Initially, all integrations are disabled and ready to be enabled.


    To enable an integration, click on the Enable button on its card. Any Services related to newly activated integrations will be started. Note: related integrations will be enabled together. For example, enabling the Brocade SAN Integration will also enable the Cisco SAN Integration because they share a common Service.

    If an integration is enabled before the applicable license has been installed, the integration card will appear as shown in the following two images. Note: while an integration can be configured before it's properly licensed, only discovery may proceed, and no metrics will be collected. Also, Topology, Report Templates, Default Alarms, etc. for that integration will not be available until a license has been applied. See the third image below for the warning that appears in the UI when the No License - Discovery mode only button is clicked.



    To request additional software integrations, contact Virtana Sales.

  3. Select View to view details about the integration.

  4. The configuration page for the integration is displayed. You can use this page to view configuration information that is unique to the configuration. Each page is different based on the integration but there are some common features for managing discovery and polling intervals across all integrations.


    Integration Inventory

    Some integration pages display an inventory list for the integration. The fields displayed in the list view include the following:

    Table 31. Integrations Inventory Fields

    Column Heading



    User-defined name for the integration, often the IP address or the type of integration.


    Unsubscribed or Subscribed.

    For Brocade SAN Integration only, if subscribed, shows a ratio of the number of configured switches that are subscribed/the total number of configured switches. For example, 1/5 means that one configured switch is subscribed, out of 5 possible configured switches.

    Last Discovery

    Date and time that the integration was last discovered, discovering or currently discovering, no discovery, discovery failed, or warned. For Discovery failed or Discovery warned, you can hover over the cell to view the error or warning as a tooltip.

    Last Metrics Collection

    Date and time of last metrics collection, Collecting metrics for metrics collection in progress, Metrics collection failed for failed metrics collection, followed by a ratio of the number of failed subscribed switches to total subscribed switches, no collection for no metrics collection, or Warned followed by a timestamp and with no ratio, for a warning. For both failures and warnings, there is no mouse-over tool tip and the user has to drill down and see the failures /warnings in the switch grid.

    You are notified if an integration fails to collect metrics for two hours. The notification takes the form of a IPM Health Notification as well as an email notification.

A down arrow is displayed at the end of each row. The arrow provides a short cut to configure, test a connection, start discovery, or delete the integration.

Managing Discovery Times and Frequencies

Most integrations include a feature to manage auto-discovery of entities. This feature is found on the Integration's configuration page in Settings.

You can select whether to enable scheduled discovery. If the box is checked, entity discovery will proceed automatically at the frequency selected below. You can also set a start time for the discovery.


Manual Discovery

If auto-discovery is disabled, you must perform manual discovery if you wish to discover new entities that have been added to your infrastructure.

  1. To perform manual discovery, select Start Discovery from the integration's configuration page.

  2. A message is displayed on the integration's page indicating that discovery is in progress. You cannot edit the Discovery Time and Frequency while discovery is in progress.

  3. A subsequent message is displayed when discovery is complete.


Viewing Integration Licenses

Each integration configuration page provides a link to view a summary of licensing for a specific integration.

  1. Click the License Summary link to view the a summary of the integration license information.

  2. A summary showing total, used, and remaining licenses is displayed, as in the following example.



To request additional licenses, contact Virtana Sales.

From the Licensing page and from the Integrations page you can access a License Report that shows license usage information, based on license type, such as Enterprise Storage Wisdom Pack, FC32 Wiredata Wisdom Pack, etc. For each license type, the report displays the total number of licenses, as well as the number of used and remaining licenses.

Following is a sample License Report page.


Auditing License Consumption Over Time

You can download a licensing audit log by clicking on the hamburger menu and then Download Audit Log, as shown in the following image.


After clicking on the button, a zipped Excel spreadsheet will be downloaded to your system. The spreadsheet contains two tabs. The first is a running log of Applied Licenses, which contains the following information:

  • Log Timestamp (ms) (milliseconds since Epoch)

  • Log Timestamp (UCT) (human readable)

  • UUID

  • Wisdom Pack

  • License Type

  • Expiration Date (UTC)

  • License Count

The second tab is a running log of Consumed Licenses. It contains the following information:

  • Log Timestamp (ms) (milliseconds since Epoch)

  • Log Timestamp (UTC) (human readable)

  • UUID

  • Wisdom Pack

  • Integration

  • Cost

  • Count

  • Used

The licensing audit logs are updated every 24 hours.