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Import File Validation

Import files are validated before an attempt is made to import them.

For JSON import, if an error is reported, IPM will provide an error. The line number and character position represents the beginning of the entity object that is being imported.

For CSV import, if an error is reported, IPM will provide an error, and, further, it will make annotations in your original CSV files and let you download them for correction.

Sample Errors


In the following example, an error is reported, but no files are annotated because of the nature of the error.


In the next example, an error is reported and one or more of the CSV files have been annotated and are available for download.



In the following example, an error is reported.


Common CSV Import Errors



CSV Mapping file is missing

No mapping.csv file was found in the uploaded ZIP file.

Invalid mapping file

Mapping file has misspelled column names or is missing required columns.

Zip file is expected

Something other than a ZIP file was uploaded.

CSV data file X is missing

A data file with the expected name (the one listed under the file_name column of the mapping file) is missing from the ZIP file.

Common JSON Import Errors



Only HBA port or storage port can be identified by WWN

An entity other than HBA Port or Storage Port was used to map an alias.

Either entity name or WWN must be set

The entity name or WWN parameter for a child entity was omitted. Add the entity name or WWN.

ITL patterns can only be set with application type entities

An ITL pattern was added to the wrong entity type. Remove the ITL pattern and use valid children.

Invalid ITL Pattern. Allowed patterns are IT* and ITL

An invalid ITL combination was configured. Use either IT* or ITL. All other patterns are invalid.

Invalid initiator

Initiator WWN does not exist or has an invalid name.

Invalid target

Target WWN does not exist or has an invalid name.

Invalid added child entities

Entities either do not exist or entity type is not valid for child association (i.e., wrong hierarchy, such as adding a storage port into a host). Review the added children and remove the invalid children.

Invalid remove child entities

Listed entities cannot be removed or do not exist.

Invalid WWN

WWN is incorrect, does not exist, or has not been discovered yet.