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- Filtering in Virtana Platform
Filtering in Virtana Platform
Learning the basics of in-app filtering enables you to easily create or edit widgets, reports, and policies, as well as filter metrics and alerts.
There are several types of filtering options in Cloud Cost Management (CCM). Inclusion and exclusion filters can be used together to include some items, but exclude others. You can also use the any/all option to determine whether some or all of the identified items are included or excluded.
Additionally, you can create report filters that consist of one or more data sources and any tag or attribute filters you assign to the data sources.
For resource groups, you can select from tags associated with the accounts that are included in the group.
All of these filter types can be used together or separately.
Inclusion Filters
Inclusion filters limit the scope of your search results to a set of items matching a given criteria.
This filter is best used when you have a few, specific items you want selected.
Inclusion filters can be set as part of an AWS integration configuration, and used in conjunction with report filters.
Inclusion Filter Options
Tag: A dropdown multi-select of all tags; includes a search field and any/all option.
Attribute: A dropdown multi-select of all attributes; includes a search field and any/all option.
Exclusion Filters
Exclusion filters limit the scope of your search results to everything except the selected items that match a given criteria. For example, excluding the App tag VPN would return a list of all elements that do not include the VPN tag.
This filter is best used when you want the bulk of given elements available, except for those with certain attributes or tags.
Exclusion filters can be set as part of an AWS integration configuration, and used in conjunction with report filters.
Exclusion Filter Options
Exclude Tag: A dropdown multi-select of all excludable tags; includes a search field and any/all option.
Exclude Attribute: A dropdown multi-select of all excludable attributes; includes a search field and any/all option.
Any vs All Filters
Any vs All Filters are available as an option with include and exclude filters in Virtana Platform. You must select Tag or Attribute values from multiple categories (keys) from the dropdown before the Any/All option displays.
These filters are converse, so only one can be enabled at a time. You can select multiple tags or attributes. Search results then return entities that include or exclude any of the selected filter items (boolean OR operator) or entities that include or exclude all selected filter items (AND operator).
For example, you might want to display information about a specific node that contains a specific application that resides within one of two regions:
For Tag:
The category (key) Name with a value of node2 AND the category App with value DNS, with the All option selected.
For Attribute:
Assigned the category (key) jRegion with the values eu-west-1 and eu-west-2, with the ANY option selected.
Any vs All Options
Tag: A dropdown multi-select of all tags; includes a search field and any/all option.
Attribute: A dropdown multi-select of all attributes; includes a search field and any/all option.
Report Filters
Report filters are user-customized filters that are associated with reports in an organization. You can use these filters to segment environments to identify savings within a subset of your environment.
To create a report filter, you select one or more integration data sources and assign tags and attributes to those instances. Any linked child data sources are automatically assigned to the filter, but can be deselected. The filters are persistent and globally accessible to anyone with access to the organization containing the report filter.
Report filters provide greater efficiency, as you can create standard filtering configurations once and then select them from a dropdown list on any tab in CCM .
A default report filter named All Cloud Entities includes all available cloud resources. You cannot change or delete this default filter. However, you can modify it and save the changes under a new filter name. The user-configured filters are editable and can be deleted.

Attributes for report filters are limited to Account (Linked_Account), Region and Availability Zone for AWS.
After creating a report filter, you can also apply other temporary filters, such as include/exclude filters, to create a variety of reports.
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