Fibre Channel Workload Generators: Targets and LUNs
Due to the nature of Fibre Channel in which devices automatically log in and perform discovery upon link up, the FC Workload Generators automatically log in and perform discovery of Targets and LUNs upon initialization. The discovery of Targets / LUNs and the extraction of LUNs details are two separate functions that are triggered separately.
To initiate a discovery of the latest Targets and LUNs at any time, click on the Rediscover Targets button.

Depending on the size of the fabric, the discovery process can take seconds to minutes. To view the results of the Target discovery, click on Port Information to expand the section.

To extract the details of the Targets and LUNs, such as Target WWPN and LUN ID, both of which are required information to have when creating an FC Test Bed, click on the Show more link to bring up the Port Initiators LUNs list window.

This window shows exactly which Targets and LUNs are accessible to the selected Initiator. This is the information that is used when you create an FC Test Bed. Therefore, if you have a lab environment in which the Targets and LUNs change frequently, it is best practice to go to the Generators page to initiate Target discovery and extract Target/LUN information before creating or editing an FC Test Bed.
If there are a lot of Initiators/Targets/LUNs, it may take up to several minutes for the entire dataset to be completely loaded, and during this time, the window cannot be closed. For example, if you have an environment with approximately 200,000 ITLs, it could take approximately two minutes for the entire dataset to be loaded.