Expiring Licenses
You can view the expiration date of any WisdomPack License, Base License, or Evaluation License from the Licensing page on the Settings tab.
Within thirty days of a Base or Wisdom Pack license expiring, IPM alerts the user in the following ways:
Displays a dialog in the UI with a warning that licenses are about to expire
Displays the expiring licenses in red font on the Licensing page
When a Base or Wisdom Pack license expires and results in oversubscription, IPM alerts the user and Virtana in the following ways:
Displays a message in the UI with a warning that licenses have expired
Displays the expiring licenses in red font on the Licensing page
Sends an email alert to all IPM administrators
Evaluation licenses expire based on the requested length of time assigned to the license, starting from the day the license is generated (not installed). When the license is about to expire, a notification is sent. When the license expires, all license counts associated with the Evaluation license are removed from the appliance.