Entity Overview
What is an entity?

The entity is the fundamental and most atomic element in IO. Entities allow IO to group resources based on their function, correlation, and inter-dependencies. Entities are logical groupings of the physical and virtual components of your infrastructure and include all the infrastructure components monitored by IO.
Entities can be linked to other entities. The IO user can build groups of entities to display the end-to-end infrastructure of an application in a meaningful fashion in the IO software.
All entities have associated metrics with built-in aggregation rules for each metric type. The metrics, which measure the data flow in the environment, are collected, accessed and analyzed through Entities. Data can be viewed in the context of hosts, arrays and applications, for example, the top 10 hosts in an application.
The IO software is entity-centric. Entities are used to view topology, set alarm rules, create reports, and run analytics.
The Value of Entities
Entities provide visibility into the end-to-end infrastructure supporting your application. In the image below, we see two application-centric views of the infrastructure supporting an application: the VMware infrastructure and the fibre channel infrastructure.

Entities are also associated with collected metrics and use built-in aggregation rules to enable:
Reporting - "What are the top 10 ESX VMs by VM CPU Utilization for an ESX cluster?"
Alerting - "Alert me when VM CPU Utilization exceeds 95% for the VMs on an ESX cluster?"
Troubleshooting - "Display events from the last 24 hours where the VM CPU Utilization was high on an ESX cluster."

Please refer to the IO User Guide for a list entity types that are included with a standard IO Basic License. Entity types for optional (non-core) integrations are detailed in the relevant integration User Guide.