Email a Report
You can immediately email an existing report or schedule existing reports to be emailed on a regular basis.
For right-sizing, only the most recent recommendations can be emailed. You can view right sizing recommendations for prior weeks, but you can't save or email the data. You can take a screenshot.
If working under a Free License, following expiration of a Pro Trial License, report output will be limited.
If an email report is not received when expected, it might be because the report has no output. Sometimes the settings for a report do not apply to any resources in your environment. When that happens, the report will be empty, displaying no results. If the report is set up for email, a report might not be sent.
About This Task
All reports are automatically sent daily at 13:00 UTC by default. You can modify the schedule from the Edit Scheduled Report form. You can change the frequency of emails, but not the time of day they are sent.
When users are added to Virtana Platform, they are automatically added to the recipient list for email reports. Other email addresses can be added manually, so emails can be sent to those who are not registered Virtana Platform users, such as managers or executives.
You can set up emails for distribution lists or configure a Slack email integration.
If you are working under a Free License, access to features in Cloud Cost Management (CCM) are limited. Report output is restricted to only a summary of potential savings based on idle resource and right-sizing recommendations. You can email those summaries of the idle resource and right-sizing reports.
The report to be scheduled must already exist and be available to you in Cloud Cost Management (CCM).