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Elements in the Apps Map

This topic represents the different elements operating that are displayed in Apps Map. The following table represents the type of elements represented in Apps Map:





This icon represents Cloud applications or SaaS.

Click the cloud icon to view the following details:

  • Configuration screenshot of the cloud.

  • Connections of multiple neighbor cloud services.


This icon represents a defined service.


  • Checkout services

  • Cart services

Click this icon to view the following details:

  • Configuration

  • Metadata

  • Ports

  • Labels

  • Selectors


This icon represents a container. A container is computed element or a ‘program’.

Click this icon to view:

  • Configuration

  • Three-layer view

  • Metrics

  • Logs

  • Events

  • Connections


This icon represents a Pod. A Pod is an atomic unit of deployment in Kubernetes. A Pod can contain multiple containers.

Click this icon to view:

  • Configuration

  • Metrics

  • Events

  • Logs

  • Connections


This icon represents a public or private internet connection that interacts with the application environment.

Click this con to view:

  • Type of internet connection

  • IP address

  • network flow metrics


This icon represents an interaction/communication link between two vertices

Click this icon to view:

  • Vertices connected by the edge

  • Traffic flow data between two vertices.



  • In the Filter bar, you can filter the type of Nodes, Labels, Pods, SaaS, Containers and Namespace to monitor and observe specifically in Apps Map.

  • In the top bar, to save any current page filtered as per your requirement, click Save.

  • Click Clear to remove the filtered options as per your requirement.

  • Click Refresh or select the Enable Auto-Refresh checkbox by choosing the desired time interval so that previous filtered items will be refreshed.

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