Deploying the Virtual Edition VHDX on Microsoft Hyper-V
IPM Virtual Edition is installed as a Microsoft Hyper-V Virtual Machine (VM) using the provided compressed VHDX file.
These instructions are intended for someone who knows how to deploy within Microsoft Hyper-V Server.
The IPM VHDX is configured as per Required Resources. Detailed instructions for editing hardware settings are available online from Microsoft.
Deploy the VHDX image as follows.
Ensure that the host server has sufficient resources to support running the IPM VM.
See Required Resources.
Log into the Hyper-V Manager machine, upload the Hyper-V image zip file and unzip it into a local folder.
Select New > Virtual Machine to launch the New Virtual Machine Wizard.
Enter the name of the virtual machine (VM) in the Specify Name and Location screen Name field. Click Next >.
Click on the Generation 1 radio button in the Specify Generation screen. Click Next >.
(64GB) in the RAM field of the Assign Memory screen. Click Next >.Select Virtual Switch from the Connection drop-down menu of the Configure Networking screen. Click Next >.
Select Use an existing virtual hard disk radio button. In the Location field, browse to the unzipped image you uploaded to the Hyper-V Manager system in Step 2 and select it. Click Next >.
Note: when deploying a new VM, you must always use a fresh copy of the .vhdx disk image file, as supplied by Virtana. (Do not copy or clone a file that has already been booted as it obtains the UUID from dmidecode and caches it on the vhdx disk file at the first boot.)
Click on Finish.
Select the newly created VM from the Virtual Machines table, right-click on it, then select Settings > Processor. In the Number of virtual processors field, enter the value
. Close the Settings window.Start the VM by double-clicking on the VM name in the Virtual Machines table.
Click on the Start button in the resulting popup window.
Once the machine has started, select the VM from the Virtual Machines table and, in the center, bottom-most panel, click on the Networking tab to find the IP Address(es) of the VM. Please note that NIC0 is configured with DHCP by default..