Configuring Microsoft Hyper-V Integration
From the Settings screen, click Integrations in the Probes and Integrations section.
The Integrations screen is displayed.
Click View for the software integration.
The Microsoft Hyper-V screen is displayed.
Table 41. Microsoft Hyper-V InventoryColumn Heading
User-defined name for the integration, often the integration IP address or the type of integration. For example, Brocade_BNA_27, or seed_switch_1.
Unsubscribed or Subscribed.
For Cisco SAN Integration and Brocade SAN Integration only, if subscribed, shows a ratio of the number of configured switches that are subscribed/the total number of configured switches. For example, 1/5 means that one configured switch is subscribed, out of 5 possible configured switches.
Last Discovery
Date and time that the integration was last discovered, discovering for currently discovering, no discovery, Discovery failed, or Warned. For Discovery fail or discovery Warned, you can mouse over the cell shows the error or warning as a tool tip.
Last Metrics Collection
Date and time of last metrics collection, Collecting metrics for metrics collection in progress, Metrics collection failed for failed metrics collection, followed by a ratio of the number of failed subscribed switches to total subscribed switches, no collection for no metrics collection, or Warned followed by a timestamp and with no ratio, for a warning. For both failures and warnings, there is no mouse-over tool tip and the user has to drill down and see the failures /warnings in the switch grid.
You are notified if an integration fails to collect metrics for two hours. The notification takes the form of a IPM Health Notification alert as well as an email notification.
At the end of each row is a down arrow, which, if you click it, provides a short cut to Configure, Test Connection, Start Discovery, or Delete the integration in the associated row.
Click New.
The Discover New Integration for Microsoft Hyper-V screen is displayed.
The Type, Frequency, and Time of Day fields on this screen are carried forward from the Integration Inventory page. The Enable scheduled discovery check box is also checked.
The Name field is user-configurable.
Enter the Name.
By default, regularly scheduled discovery is enabled for Hyper-V configurations. To disable regularly scheduled discovery, uncheck the Enable scheduled discovery check box.
To have discovery scheduled regularly, keep the box checked and choose a discovery frequency and time of day. By default, the frequency and time of day for Hyper-V is every day and 2am Appliance time.
Hyper-V Integration hosts can be added individually using the Add button. You can add multiple Hyper-V hosts using the Import button. To use Import to add multiple Hyper-V hosts, skip to Step 7.
Click Add to add a Hyper-V host one at a time.
The Add Host dialog displays.
Complete the information in the Add Host dialog as follows:.
User-defined name for the integration, often the hostname. For example, HYPERV-SC01.
Hyper-V host IP address, or a fully-qualified DNS resolvable hostname. For example,
Domain of the user account used for polling data from the host.
User name of the user account that is used for polling data from the host.
Password for Username.
Metrics Polling Interval
Frequency of metrics collection. The default is Every 5 Minutes.
Click OK to add the Hyper-V Integration host.
The Discover New Integration screen now shows the host that you added in the Hosts list. Proceed to Step 12.
Click the Import button and follow the steps to import the CSV file.
Using Import allows you to import multiple Hyper-V Integration hosts at one time.
Import requires use of a CSV configuration file that contains Hyper-V hosts and configuration information.
The CSV configuration file has:
One line of text for each host to be imported.
Fields in the text line are comma-separated and of the format:
hostname,domain,username, password
Hyper-V host IP address, or a fully-qualified DNS resolvable hostname. For example,
Domain of the user account used for polling data from the host.
User name of the user account that is used for polling data from the host.
Password for Username.
A sample CSV file might look like this:
host 2,,,vi-services,samplepassword
host 2,,,vi-services,samplepassword
and follow the steps to import the CSV file.
After a successful import, the imported hosts appear in the Hosts list of the Discover New Integration page.
Select the Hyper-V Integration hosts that you want to edit from the Hosts list and click Configure.
The Bulk Configuration dialog box displays.
Select the common fields that you want to change in the selected hosts and click Next.
Enter the appropriate information in the Bulk Configuration dialog box.
Click OK to apply the changes.
Optionally, click Test Connection to test the connections (hostname and credentials) for all Hyper-V hosts.
This process can take up to five minutes. A message will display indicating whether the configuration is correct or if errors were found that you need to correct.
Subscribe to the hosts by selecting the host or hosts to which you would like to subscribe and clicking Subscribe.
When you click Subscribe, IPM also validates that there are sufficient licenses.
Click Save to save all of your changes.
The Discover dialog box displays, asking if you want the discovery process to start upon saving. Immediate discovery is recommended, as no metrics are collected until discovery is complete.
Click Yes to start immediate discovery.
After clicking Yes, you return to the main grid of all software integration configurations, and the integration that you just added has “Discovering...” in its last discovery time column.
If you drill down into the integration configuration again, a banner displays on your screen saying that discovery is taking place. While the discovery is taking place you are in read-only mode. You cannot make any changes to the integration or switch configuration during discovery.