Configuring Dynatrace APM Integration
IPM discovers/imports applications directly from either the local or cloud instance of the Dynatrace APM controller, and creates applications only from existing Hosts, VMs, Microsoft Hyper-V VMs, and PowerVM Partitions that have been discovered by other IPM integrations.
You must have defined Application patterns in their Dynatrace instance to discover different applications in Dynatrace. This is a prerequisite for the Dynatrace Integration to discover the applications correctly.
You must have disabled Real User Monitoring (RUM) for monitoring with the Dynatrace Integration.
Select an instance of a Dynatrace app (cloud or on-premise) and copy the main Dynatrace URL.
From the Settings tab, click Integrations in the Probes and Integrations section, and then click the View button for Dynatrace APM.
The Dynatrace APM page is displayed.
Copy and past the main Dynatrace URL into the Controller FQDN field.
Copy the API Token from Dynatrace site and paste it into API Tokenfield.
For additional information, see
Click Test Connection to verify that the specified URL and API Token can connect to the Dynatrace site successfully.
Click Save and then Start Discovery.
You can click Save at any time to save the current status of the operation.
The specified Dynatrace application is discovered. If scheduled discovery was specified (defaults to Enable), it begins as specified in the Discovery Time and Frequency section.
After you create an application, you can drill down into it to see topology, application components, and FC conversations.