Configuring a ServiceNow Instance
IPM discovers/imports applications directly from both local and cloud instances of ServiceNow Business Service, Manual Service, and Technical Services.
IPM creates applications only from existing Hosts, VMs, Microsoft Hyper-V VMs, and PowerVM Partitions that have been discovered by other IPM integrations.
IPM requires read access to the following ServiceNow database tables via the assigned ServiceNow user with the sm_user role.
cmdb_ci_vmware_instance (if applicable)
cmdb_ci_hyper_v_instance (if applicable)
In order for IPM to integrate with ServiceNow's incident infrastructure, the configured ServiceNow user must also have the itil role assigned to it.
Select an instance of a ServiceNow application (cloud or on-premise), and copy the URL.
Navigate to the Settings page and click Integrations in the Probes and Integrations section, and then click the View button for ServiceNow.
The ServiceNow page is displayed.
Paste the copied ServiceNow URL into the Instance FQDN field, and type your credentials in the Username and Password fields.
Select any optional items you want to configure for the instance.
If you select OAuth Authentication, you need to specify additional client information. The Client Secret key is displayed only at the time the OAuth token is generated.
You can also select the following: Send Alarm Notifications to ServiceNow and Send IPM Health Notifications to ServiceNow.
Click Test Connection to verify that the specified URL and API Token can connect to the site successfully using the provided credentials.
Optional: Select Access via Proxy if your environment requires access to the internet through a proxy server.
You can select an existing proxy server or add a new proxy server.
Optional: Select Enable Scheduled Discovery and select the frequency and start time.
Optional: Assign a ServiceNow-discovered application to one or more IPM tiers based on the ServiceNow Business Criticality ranking.
The default setting (none) does not map the ServiceNow levels to any tier, and you can select one or more tiers from the IPM defaults or create your own tiers. For more information, see the following section, Create Application-Assigned Tiers.
Click Save and Start Discovery.
The specified ServiceNow application is discovered and optionally assigned to IPM tier(s). If scheduled discovery was specified (defaults to Enable), it begins as specified in the Discovery Time and Frequency section, similar to existing integrations.
Changes in ServiceNow are updated in IPM at manual discovery or the next scheduled discovery.
In a ServiceNow instance, when you discover virtual machine entities, it does not show the IP Address and FQDN in the VM entity, even though the IP address is linked under Network Adapter tab for that entity, IPM is not addressing that table for its IP address. You can provide the IP manually in the IP address field and perform a discovery, in which case, the application is discovered.
After you create an application, you can drill down into it to see topology, application components, and FC conversations.
IPM automatically pushes case information to ServiceNow.