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Configuring a Brocade SAN Integration for SANnav Discovery


Brocade SANnav integration is provided as early access and not supported for production use in IPM release 7.0.1.

Before configuring an instance of a Brocade SAN Integration where SANnav discovery will be used, make sure that SANnav has completed its discovery. Also, the following MIBs need to be enabled: FE-MIB, SW-MIB, and IF-MIB.

  1. From the Settings screen, click Integrations in the Probes and Integrations section.

    The Integrations screen is displayed.

  2. If the Brocade SAN integration card is greyed out and appears in the Available Integrations section, click on the Enable button in the card and then wait for the integration card to complete its initialization and move to the My Integrations section.

  3. Click View for the integration.

    The Brocade SAN screen is displayed. If you have already configured other Brocade SAN integration instances, you will be presented with a list of existing instances. To add a new instance, click on the New button in the upper right-hand corner of the page. Otherwise, you will be presented with a New Brocade SAN page.

  4. Enter a name for the integration discovery instance.

    A name is required. The Name field can be edited after the configuration is saved.

  5. Select the SANnav-SNMP Discovery mode.

  6. Complete the rest of the information on the New Brocade SAN screen as follows:



    Seed Switch SNMP Settings

    Hostname / IP Address

    (Required) Hostname or IP address of the SANnav instance.

    Secondary Hostname / IP Address

    Secondary Hostname or IP address of the SANnav instance, if applicable.

    SNMP Timeout (sec)

    (Required) The default SNMP timeout value in seconds for this integration instance.

    SNMP Max Timeouts

    (Required) The number of SNMP timeouts allowed until failure.

    Disable SNMP GetBulk Operation

    Checkbox; enable or disable SNMP GetBulk Operation.

    SNMP Version

    Select v1, v2c, v3 Auth Privacy, v3 Auth No Privacy, or v3 No Auth No Privacy.


    The default community string. This field will only display for SNMP v1 and v2c.

    SNMP Username

    SNMP username. Present for all SNMP v3 versions.

    SNMP Auth Password

    SNMP auth password. Present for SNMP v3 Auth Privacy and v3 Auth No Privacy versions.

    SNMP Auth Protocol

    SNMP auth protocol, either MD5 or SHA. Present for SNMP v3 Auth Privacy and v3 Auth No Privacy versions.

    SNMP Privacy Password

    SNMP privacy password. Present for SNMP v3 Auth Privacy version.

    SNMP Privacy Protocol

    SNMP privacy protocol, either AES or DES. Present for SNMP v3 Auth Privacy version.

    SNMP Context Name

    SNMP context name (e.g., VF:128). Present for all SNMP v3 versions.

    SANnav Settings

    Hostname / IP Address

    The Hostname or IP address of the SANnav system.

    Use SSL

    Checkbox; enables or disables use of SSL for login.


    Port of the SANnav instance. If the SSL check box is selected, the port is 5989. If the SSL check box is not selected, it is port 5988.


    Username of the SANnav instance.


    Password of the SANnav instance.

    If the Use SSL check box is selected, you must either upload your certificate from your local system using the Browse button or fetch the certificate from your VMware vSphere system using the Fetch button. If the Use SSL check box is not selected, the Certificate File field is not present. Please see the SSL Certificate Handling section for more details.

  7. Click Test Connection to verify the connection.

    IPM tests the connection (hostname and credentials). This process can take up to five minutes.

  8. Click Next.

    Discovery begins for all the switches accessible. This process can take several minutes, depending on the number of switches to be discovered.

    The integration instance page opens to display the Configuration tab.

    The fields from the previous screen are carried over. Some of them may still be edited (Name, Description, IP Address, Port, Username, Password); others are just displayed in plain text.

  9. Enable or disable scheduled discovery.

    By default, regularly scheduled discovery is enabled for Brocade SAN Integration configurations. If you would like to disable regularly scheduled discovery, uncheck the Enable scheduled discovery check box. If you would like to have discovery scheduled regularly, keep the box checked and choose a discovery frequency and time of day. By default, the frequency and time of day for Brocade SAN Integration is every other day and 2am appliance time.

  10. Click on the SNMP Sources tab on the New Integration page.

    A list of available auto-detected SNMP switch sources displays.

  11. Select the switches you want to use with the integration and click Add.

    You can configure multiple switches at one time. The columns headings in the Switches table are defined as follows:

    Table 31. Switches Table Fields



    Switch Name

    Auto-detected name of the switch.

    Port Count

    Active port count.


    Discovered, Configured, Subscribed.


    Switch username.

    IP Address

    Switch IP address.

    Last Metrics Collection

    Date and time of last metrics collection, Collecting metrics for metrics collection in progress, metrics collection failed, or no collection for no collection.

    You are notified if an Integration fails to collect metrics for two hours. The notification takes the form of a IPM Health Notification as well as an email notification.

    Metrics Polling Interval

    Metrics polling interval set for the switch.


    Configuration or subscription errors. Mousing over an error displays a tooltip containing the error text.

  12. With the switches still selected, click Configure.

    If you selected one switch, the Switch Configuration dialog box displays. Proceed to Step 14.

    If you selected more than one switch, the Bulk Switch Configuration dialog box displays. Proceed to Step15.

  13. If you select one switch, enter the values in the Switch Configuration dialog.

    The Name, Vendor, IP, SNMPVersion are auto-detected. You can override the IP and SNMP Version. If auto-detect for the IP address failed, you must enter the IP address. Depending on the SNMP version detected, there might be more or less values to fill in.

    The values in the other fields are filled out with default values. You can edit these fields, but it is recommended that you keep the default values provided. In some cases, such as when SNMP version 3 usernames and passwords are required, we cannot provide defaults, and you have to enter the information manually.

    Proceed to Step16.

  14. If you select two or more switches, select the properties to configure in the Bulk Switch Configuration dialog.

  15. Click OK.

  16. With the switches still selected, click Subscribe.

    When you click Subscribe, IPM validates that there are sufficient licenses.

  17. Click Save to save all of your changes.

    The Discovery dialog box displays, asking if you want the discovery process to start upon saving. Immediate discovery is recommended, as no metrics are collected until discovery is complete.

  18. Click Yes to start immediate discovery.

    After clicking yes, you are returned to the main grid of all configurations, and the integration that you just created has "Discovering…" in its last discovery time column.

    If you drill down into the configuration again, a banner displays on your screen saying that discovery is taking place. While the discovery is taking place you are in read-only mode. You cannot make any changes to the integration or switch configuration.


    If discovery completes with the error, “Illegal action: attempt to associate archived parent,” re-run discovery on the integration configuration that failed for it to unarchive the port.