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Command Mix

This section displays the distribution of protocol commands used in the Workload.

Fibre Channel and iSCSI


For Fibre Channel and iSCSI Workloads, a read/write distribution is provided. The percentage of Read requests is displayed.


For SMB and NFS Workloads, where many metadata commands are required in addition to Read and Write requests, a more detail Command Mix is provided.

Two tabs are available for the Command Mix chart: Distribution and Actual vs Expected.


This tab displays the breakdown of actual command mix count observed.


The following statistics are collected:

  • Commands Attempted (blue bar). Number of times the command was attempted

  • Commands Succeeded (green bar). Number of times the command received a positive response. Generally, this is the case where the request was handled successfully.

  • Commands Failed (red bar). Number of times the command received a negative response. Generally, this is the case where an error was received for the request.

  • Commands Aborted (brown bar). Number of times the command was aborted. Generally, this is the case where no response was received for the request and the request timed out, but it can also be caused by a request that was terminated by the client.

Actual vs Expected

This tab displays the breakdown of actual command mix percentage observed versus the command mix percentage expected.


The gray bar in the background for each command displays the expected percentage of the command, based on your Workload configuration. The green bar in the foreground for each command displays the actual percentage of the command from the Workload run.