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Cisco SAN Telemetry Streaming

The following are supported with SAN Telemetry Streaming: DS 9700 32G, DS-X9648-1536K9 Module and MDS 9132T Switch.

The Cisco switch supports monitoring SAN Telemetry Source (STS) storage data from licensed ports of target edge switches. ProbeFC supports approximately 500 metrics. The Cisco switch currently has 72 metrics available. These metrics are sent to the IPM appliance using the gRPC protocol, and are available per Initiator-Target-LUN and port. With Compact-GPB encoding on NX-OS 8.3(2), Cisco limits 20K ITLs per 9100 switch and 40K ITLs per 9700 switch, and a minimum STS streaming interval of 30 seconds. IPM 6.x supports 200K ITLs from multiple Cisco switches.

Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 8.3(2) supports Google Protocol Buffers (GPB) and GPB compact encoding over gRPC transport. Ensure you follow the appropriate steps below if using Cisco NX-OS Release 8.3(2). Virtana and Cisco recommend using GPB-compact encoding with IPM 6.0.1 and NX-OS 8.3(2).

To collect STS data from the MDS 9700 switch you need SAN_ANALYTICS_PKG or SAN_TELEMETRY_PKG, and for MDS9132T switch you need SAN_TELEMETRY_PKG.

Perform the following steps to configure analytics and telemetry on the switch:

  1. Ensure all Cisco switches that will configured for telemetry streaming are NTP synced to the same source(s) as IPM.

  2. Enable analytics and telemetry globally:

    feature analyticsfeature telemetry

  3. Enable the interfaces to collect data:

    interface fc<x/y>analytics type fc-scsi


    To improve performance, enable analytics only on the ports which need to be monitored. IPM supports analytics on the storage edge switch port.

  4. Configure a push query:

    analytics query "select all from fc-scsi.scsi_target_itl_flow" name virtana_query type periodic clear differential

    clear clears all the min, max, and peak metrcis after every query (streaming) interval. By default, min/max/peak values are sticky.

    differential streams only ITL records that have changing data. By default, every ITL record is streamed all the time.

    periodic is the streaming interval. The default streaming interval is 30 seconds.

    scsi_target_itl_flow should be used for the target edge switch port.

  5. Choose one of the following to configure streaming for the query.

    • Configure streaming for IPM 6.0 and Cisco NX-OS 8.3(1):

      MDS9706# configure terminal

      MDS9706(config)# telemetry

      MDS9706(config-telemetry)# sensor-group 100

      MDS9706(conf-tm-sensor)# path analytics:virtana_query

      MDS9706(conf-tm-sensor)# destination-group 100

      MDS9706(conf-tm-dest)# ip address port 5888 protocol gRPC encoding GPB <-Receiver VW IP address and port

      MDS9706(conf-tm-dest)# subscription 100

      MDS9706(conf-tm-sub)# snsr-grp 100 sample-interval 30000

      MDS9706(conf-tm-sub)# dst-grp 100


      Use the following to remove the IPM IP address as a gRPC receiver:

      MDS9706# configure terminal

      MDS9706(config)# telemetry

      MDS9706(config-telemetry)# destination-group 100

      MDS9706(conf-tm-dest)# no ip address port 5888

      protocol gRPC encoding GPB <-Receiver VW IP address and port


      The default server port on the IPM appliance to receive STS metrics is 5888. If port 5888 is unavailable, use port 5889 or 5890 to receive the STS metrics from the switch.

      Follow these steps to change the port on the switch from 5888 to 5889:

      MDS9706# configure terminal

      MDS9706(config)# telemetry

      MDS9706(config-telemetry)# destination-group 100

      MDS9706(conf-tm-dest)# no ip address port 5888 protocol gRPC encoding GPB

      MDS9706(conf-tm-dest)# ip address port 5889 protocol gRPC encoding GPB

      MDS9706(conf-tm-dest)# copy running-config startup-config

      After changing the port on the switch, a property change is required on IPM Appliance. Contact Virtana Support.

    • Configure compact GPB streaming with IPM 6.0.1 and Cisco NX-OS 8.3(2):


      • With Cisco MDS NX-OS 8.3(2), Cisco switch supports Google Protocol Buffers (GPB) and GPB compact encoding over gRPC transport. Ensure that all destinations under a destination group, and all destination groups under a subscription, are using the same encoding type.

      • Virtana and Cisco recommend using compact-GPB encoding with IPM 6.0.1 and NX-OS 8.3(2).

      • Use numbers from <1-4095> for sensor-group, destination-group, subscription, snsr-grp and dst-grp

      • Refer to Configuring SAN Telemetry Streaming in the Cisco MDS 9000 Series SAN Analytics and SAN Telemetry Streaming Configuration Guide, Release 8.x for more information.

      MDS9706# configure terminal

      MDS9706(config)# telemetry

      MDS9706(config-telemetry)# sensor-group 200

      MDS9706(conf-tm-sensor)# path analytics:virtana_query

      MDS9706(conf-tm-sensor)# destination-group 200

      MDS9706(conf-tm-dest)# ip address port 5888 protocol gRPC encoding GPB-compact

      MDS9706(conf-tm-dest)# subscription 200

      MDS9706(conf-tm-sub)# snsr-grp 200 sample-interval 30000

      MDS9706(conf-tm-sub)# dst-grp 200

      MDS9706(conf-tm-sub)# copy running-config startup-config

  6. Choose one of the following to verify configured streaming.

    • Verify the configured streaming at Cisco NX-OS 8.3(1):

      MDS9706# show running-config telemetry all

      feature telemetry


      sensor-group 100

      path analytics:virtana_query <-- analytics query name (step-3)

      destination-group 100

      ip address port 5888 protocol gRPC encoding GPB

      subscription 100

      snsr-grp 100 sample-interval 30000 <-Streaming sample-interval 30000 is in milliseconds

      dst-grp 100

    • Verify the configured streaming at Cisco NX-OS 8.3(2).

      MDS9706# show running-config telemetry all

      feature telemetry


      sensor-group 200

      path analytics:virtana_query

      destination-group 200

      ip address port 5888 protocol gRPC encoding GPB-compact

      subscription 200

      snsr-grp 200 sample-interval 30000

      dst-grp 200

  7. In the Discovered Telemetry Sources tab, subscribe to the ports to collect STS metrics.

    To collect Cisco STS data, the Cisco edge switches (host/storage) must first be configured and discovered successfully. A configured and successfully discovered Cisco switch and its STS capable ports appear in the Discovered Telemetry Sources tab in Cisco SAN Integration. It contains information about Ports, Storage Port Name, License, and Last Observed Time. Reports and charts can be created with STS metrics by navigating to Storage > Fibre Channel > Cisco STS.

  8. Verify the telemetry transport.

    MDS9706# show telemetry transport

    Session Id IP Address Port Encoding Transport Status


    1 5888 GPB-compact gRPC Connected


    Retry buffer Size: 10485760

    Event Retry Messages (Bytes): 0

    Timer Retry Messages (Bytes): 10399055

    Total Retries sent: 179

    Total Retries Dropped: 1341