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Auto SLO in Container Observability

Container Observability monitors each metric behavior of a service and detects the SLO breach to trigger a Threshold SLO-based alert automatically. Typically, Container Observability suggests the SLO value for a metric for the last 24 hours of captured data. Container Observability compares the current behavior of the metric against its SLO to the last 24 hours of the captured SLO value. If any deviation occurs in the current metric SLO compared to the actual configured SLO value, the Container Observability detects the SLO breach and triggers an alert notification. It also enables users to perform the causal analysis subsequently. For more information, see SLO-Breach.

Configuring Manual SLO for services in Container Observability

This topic describes how to set the SLO target value for service metrics manually even when the Auto-SLO for the metric is automatically determined by Container Observability for the last 24 hours of captured data by the system itself. For more information, see Auto SLO based alert.


To configure SLO for services, follow the steps:

  1. Log in to the Container Observability application.

  2. On the sidebar menu, click Applications and select Apps Map.

  3. Double-click on any services like a Pod, node, or container. The Configuration and Performance Snapshot page is displayed.

  4. Under Performance Snapshot, click Add SLI/SLO. The SLI/SLO Configuration page is displayed.

  5. Enter the required SLO value considering the suggested SLO value by Container Observability.

  6. Click Apply.

The SLO target is set for metric.

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