Auto-Defined Entity Management
Most entities in IPM are discovered automatically. Auto-discovery is performed when new integrations and probes are configured, on a defined schedule, e.g., every 24 hours, or when new infrastructure components are installed and discovery is started manually after installation.
Discovery identifies topology, zoning, and various system properties that depend on the integration and entity type. These properties are called system properties and can be viewed on the entity's Inventory page. IPM also tracks meta data on entities, e.g., type, created by/on, tags, etc.
Configuring Auto-Discovery Schedules for Software Integrations
Discovery can be configured to occur automatically on a recurring schedule.
This task is available only to users with the IPM Administrator (vw-admin) role.
From Settings, select Integrations.
Locate the desired integration and select View.
A list of configured subscriptions is displayed, with data on when the last discovery occurred, and any integration or metrics collection warnings or errors. Select a row to review the configuration.
Select the desired frequency and start time. Each integration has an option to configure the frequency and start time for automatic discovery. Note that the option may vary slightly based on the integration.