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Assigning Roles for collecting Cost data from the Export Job

Azure data collection must be enabled if you want Cloud Cost Management (CCM) to provide Bill Analysis reports. Specific Roles must be assigned as described below to ensure that CCM can collect the Cost data.

  1. Login to the Microsoft Azure Portal

  2. Go to your Subscription

  3. Go to Access Control (IAM)

  4. Link the Role with the Application (which is mapped to the ApplicationID). Click on Add > Add role assignments

  5. Search using name, here we need to assign two Roles

    • Monitoring Reader

    • Reader and Data Access : This role is required to read the Cost and usage report generated from the Export Job.

  6. Select the Role and click next to add Members to the role

  7. Click on Select members to add Application to the Role

  8. Once complete, Click Review + Assign to complete the process

  9. To verify that the Role has been assigned correctly, check under Role assignment of a Subscription to confirm if the Role is assigned.
