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Alert Overview

Welcome to the Alert Module! This module gathers alerts from different parts of your system, like metrics, events, logs, and traces. It then analyses and responds to them all in one place.

Alerts need the attention of experts of the Infrastructure & Operations team like DevOps teams, Platform engineering (System Admin), and Site reliability engineering (SRE) teams. They act like early warning signs, helping teams notice and fix problems before they become serious.

What are Alerts?

Alerts are instant notifications when something isn't quite right in your computer setup. They're super important because they help us spot and fix issues in how the system works before users notice anything wrong.

Our Alert Module brings all your alerts together in one easy-to-use dashboard. Instead of checking different places, you can see everything in a single view. This makes it quicker to spot issues and fix them fast.

Key Components of an Alert:

  • Collect data for monitoring infrastructure environments.

  • Monitor and manage alerts to reduce noise through policy-based strategies.

  • Detect anomalies in the system.

  • Efficiently manage maintenance windows.

  • Monitor and investigate services and situations efficiently.

Interactive dashboards

Our Alert Module brings all your alerts together in one easy-to-use dashboard. Instead of checking different places, you can see everything in a single view. This makes it quicker to spot issues and fix them fast.

For more information see, Alerts

Monitor and investigate Alerts

Alerts are vital for quickly identifying and resolving issues within your infrastructure and Application. They provide real-time visibility into deviations from normal behaviour, allowing proactive problem-solving. Comprehensive details captured in alerts are crucial for root cause analysis, helping teams understand why an issue occurred and enabling more effective resolution strategies.

For more information see, Alerts Detail

Alert States

The alert list presents ample information for promptly recognizing the current state of an event. Each alert's state is influenced by various factors, including:

  • Severity

  • Priority

  • Sub status

  • Manager

These components collectively contribute to understanding the urgency and relevance of each alert, aiding in effective decision-making and response management.

For more information see, Alert Status