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Creating a New Discovery Instance

About This Task

Access to the target integration device is required for discovery to occur.

After you configure and subscribe to the integration instance, IPM adjusts the appropriate Wisdom Pack license count to reflect additional license consumption.


To perform this task, the user must meet the following requirements:

  • Ensure that all items identified in Installation Prerequisites have been met.

  • Have the following information available for integration configuration. These are needed so IPM can connect to and collect metrics from the target integration device:


    This integration does not support device connection through a proxy.

    The following fields apply to all devices:

    • Name - A name which identifies this configuration from other configurations of the same type.

    • Poll Interval - The interval (in minutes) at which data is collected from the target devices.

    • Monitoring Level - Determines if all devices in this configuration should poll for metrics and entity changes, just entity changes, or do nothing.

    The following fields apply to each device entry:

    • HCP System Name - The system name is unique across all configurations

    • HCP Hostname/IP - The fully qualified domain name or IP address of the HCP

    • Rest API Port - The REST API port number *

    • Rest API Username - The REST API username *

    • Rest API Password - The REST API password *

    • Authentication Token - The Authentication Token *

    • Verify HTTPS - If checked, use secured HTTPS when communicating with the HCP *

    • SNMP Port - The SNMP port number *

    • SNMP Max Timeouts - The maximum timeout when connecting via SNMP to the HCP. *

    • SNMP Timeout (Sec) *

    • SNMP Version

    • Community - The SNMP community string to use when connecting to the HCP. *

    • SNMP Authentication Type *

    • SNMP Auth Protocol *

    • SNMP Privacy Protocol *

    • SNMP User Name - The SNMP username to use when connecting to the HCP. *

    • SNMP Auth Password - The SNMP password to use (for the specified username) when connecting to the HCP via v3 *

    • SNMP Privacy Password *

    • SNMP Context Name *

    • Licensing Status - Identifies the current licensing status of this configuration, which is determined after first publish.

    * Required Field

  • If you intend to use credential sets when configuring devices, the credential sets must already have been created.


  1. From the Settings page, click Integrations in the Probes and Integrations section.

  2. Click View for the licensed integration you want to configure.

    • If this is an initial configuration: You are directed to the New Integration page to configure the first integration.

    • If there are existing configurations: The Integration page opens, displaying a list of all existing licensed and unlicensed configurations.

  3. Click New.


    The New Integration page displays.

  4. Enter a Name for the configuration and click Next.

    Each configuration must have a unique name, to avoid save errors. If you are using more than one IPM integration, it is recommended that a naming convention be used to ensure unique configuration names for each integration.


    A second configuration page displays.


    Note: Each integration has slightly different configuration pages. Shown above is a generic representation of a New Integration page.

  5. Select a Poll Interval.

    When selecting the poll interval, note that metric collection automatically begins when the first poll interval is reached.

  6. Select a Monitoring Level: Discovery and Metric Collection (the default), Discovery Only, or Disabled. For new configurations, the default is the best choice. More information about each choice follows.

    • Discovery and Metric Collection (default) - for each polling interval, discovery and metrics will be collected, and licenses will be consumed.

    • Discovery Only - for each polling interval, discovery and metrics will be collected, but the metric data will be discarded. Licenses will not be consumed. Please note that this option will not lead to less load on the target system(s).

    • Disabled - all communication with the target system(s) will cease and licenses will not be consumed.

  7. In the Devices area, add the configurations.

    • To add one configuration at a time, click Add.

      You must select a credential set or enter a name/IP address, username, and password.

    • To add multiple configurations at one time, click Import, select a CSV file to upload, and then select how the file content should impact existing records.

      You can Replace, Merge, or Add records.


      If you select Replace, the entire contents currently in the table are deleted and replaced. This deletion cannot be undone.

      See Using a CSV File for Configuration for details about using a configuration file.

  8. Complete the device connection details and then click Save.

  9. Click Save on the Configuration page.

    If properly configured, the hosts are subscribed when the first metrics data is collected, based on the polling interval. You can verify subscription from the Integration page, that lists integration configuration instances.

Next Steps

Optional: Create credential sets and assign to devices